Massage Therapy by Ava

Based in Los Angeles

In-studio services

Starting at $100

11 a.m. - 8 p.m. every day

Deep Tissue, Swedish, Thai & 4 other techniques


Techniques: Aromatherapy, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, Swedish, Thai, Thai Herbal, Trigger Point

Experience: 6 years

In-studio amenities: Bottled Water, Candles, Drinking Water, Free Parking, Heated Massage Table, Hot Towels, Massage Table, Music, Private Parking

Additional services: Body scrubs

Affiliations: American Massage Therapy Association, Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals, National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork


Based near: Ventura blvd & Ventura blvd Los Angeles, CA 91423

At Ava's studio

Ava's Signature Massage

Spa-quality bodywork, tailored to you, blending a range of techniques, from Aromatherapy to Trigger Point

30 min.
45 min.
60 min.
90 min.
120 min.

Payments & Discounts
  • American Express, Apple Pay, Cash, Mastercard, Samsung Pay, Venmo, Visa, Zelle accepted
  • Gift certificates available.
  • 10% off on Mondays
  • Discounts available for first-time clients

Week of Feb. 16: Before 3.00pm 10$ off


Aug. 2017 - Oct. 2018

California massage certificate

Hamilton college, Los Angeles, CA

Nov. 2023

Certified in stretching & flexibility

The stretching institute, Wallington, NJ